Health & Safety
At Landscape Avenue we are dedicated to the implementation of Health & Safety and COSHH legislation. Risk Assessments and Method Statements are regularly reviewed to ensure accuracy and the relevant training is undertaken.
The health and safety of all our people is of major importance to our operations. People are our most important asset therefore it is the policy of the company that all operations are conducted to ensure as far as practically possible the health and safety of our employees and persons likely to be affected by our operations including sub-contractors and the public. The statutory duties placed on us and all employees are to be regarded as minimum standards. We aim to achieve best practice in terms of health and safety in all that we do.

Our policy objective is to:
- Ensure operations are conducted as to prevent any injury to persons and to avoid damage to property
- Provide a working environment that is safe and practical without risk to health
- Promote awareness to staff of health and safety matters
- Provide the necessary equipment for the tasks to be performed safely
- Provide adequate systems and methods of work
- Ensure that all staff receive adequate and appropriate training and supervision
- Insist that staff observe safe working practices at all times
- Instigate proper reporting and investigation of accidents and damage with a view to achieving a reduction in accidents (Incident rates will be calculated by analysing causes and trends)
- Co-operate actively with local authorities, statutory bodies and public services in the interest of public safety and the safeguarding of the environment
- Give a high priority to health and safety in all our operations
- Develop, implement and monitor health and safety regimes appropriate to our work
- Co-operate with, and monitor, the performance of contractors who work for us
- Provide the necessary resources to implement our policies and keep them up to date
- Keep up to date with best practice in relation to health and safety and comply with all relevant legislation
- Consult with, and involve, our staff in matters affecting their health and safety
Throughout the organisation management at all levels are responsible for the promotion of health and safety within their respective areas. The Health & Safety Manager is accountable for the overall implementation of health and safety and requires all company employees to take a responsible attitude towards health and safety and do all that they can do to minimise the possibility of any accident or incident occurring. The company requires the full and active participation of all company employees in order that the principles outlined in this policy statement may be achieved.
Further information
If you have any queries regarding our Policies, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Accredited provider of high quality Landscaping, Grounds Maintenance, & Winter Gritting. Operating from Milton Keynes & Northampton.